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Nr. Titel Autor Jahr
1 Nordsuche - Performance Demonstration für Präzisions-MEMS-Gyroskope Bülz, Daniel et al. 2022
2 Vibration sensors with a high bandwidth and low SNR, enhanced with post processing gap reduction Streit, Petra* et al. 2022
3 North finding with a single double mass MEMS gyroscope- A performance demonstrator Bülz, Daniel et al. 2021
4 Miniaturized vortex-induced vibration energy harvester for low velocity air flow application Wen, Quan* et al. 2016
5 Kombinierte Simulation integrierter mikrofluidischer Aktoren Schulze, Robert et al. 2015
6 Modulare aktive Probecard zur Systemcharakterisierung von mikro-elektromechanischen Sensoren am Beispiel von Gyroskopen Weidlich, Sebastian et al. 2015
7 Yet Another Tuning Fork Gyroscope Forke, Roman et al. 2015
8 High Precision Vibratory MEMS Gyroscope Billep, Detlef et al. 2014
9 Piezoelectric P(VDF-TrFE) transducers assembled with micro injection molded polymers Schulze, Robert et al. 2014
10 Precise determination of piezoelectric longitudinal charge coefficients for piezoelectric thin films assisted by finite element modeling Stöckel, Chris et al. 2014
11 Development and characterization of a high precision vibratory MEMS gyroscope system with low-noise integrated readout and control electronics Koehler, Daniel et al. 2013
12 Development and Characterization of a High Precision Vibratory MEMS Gyroscope with Low-noise integrated Readout and Control Electronics Köhler, Daniel et al. 2013
13 Enhancement of the thermoelectric properties of PEDOT:PSS thin films by post-treatment Luo, Jinji et al. 2013
14 Erweiterungen und Anwendungen der BDRIE-Technologie zur Herstellung hermetisch gekapselter Sensoren mit hoher Güte Hiller, Karla et al. 2013
15 Investigation of multiwall carbon nanotube and DMSO on the thermoelectric performance of PEDOT:PSS thin films Luo, Jinji et al. 2013
16 Optimization of MEMS/NEMS for reliable resonance frequencies Stöckel, Chris et al. 2013
17 Piezoelectric Accelerometer Based on Micro Injection Molded Polymers Schulze, Robert et al. 2013
18 Comparison of lumped and finite element modeling for thermoelectric devices Streit, Petra et al. 2012
19 Development and Characterization of a high precision vibratory MEMS gyroscope system with low-noise integrated readout and control electronics Koehler, D. et al. 2012
20 Integration of Piezoelectric Polymer Transducers into Microsystems for Sensing Applications Schulze, Robert et al. 2012
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Anzahl der Ergebnisseiten: 2
Anzahl der Dokumente: 32

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