Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): GAMMAS - The Fourth Year
This is the fourth issue of GAMM Archive for Students (GAMMAS) containing all articles published in 2022. Table of contents (updated during the year):
1) M. Reiber Individual based Modelling of Biofilm Colonisation, page 1-14
2) A. Mujahid Monolithic non-iterative and iterative time discretization methods for linear coupled elliptic-parabolic systems, page 15-28
3) D. Kern, T. Nagel An experimental numerics approach to the terrestrial brachistochrone, page 29-35 (educational article)
4) D. Collin A method for finding all connections in the Pantelides algorithm for delay differential-algebraic equations , page 36-48
5) T. Werner The complex step method for approximating the Fréchet derivative of matrix functions in automorphism groups, page 49-64