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Nr. Titel Autor Jahr
1 Integrating functional electronic elements Götze, Uwe et al. 2023
2 Optimization of synthetic jet actuation by analytical modeling Huber, Max et al. 2021
3 Integration funktionaler elektronischer Elemente Götze, Uwe et al. 2019
4 Active flow control in wind turbines - integration technologies and assessment of economic effects Schüller, Martin et al. 2018
5 Design of synthetic jet actuators for the integration into lightweight structures and economic evaluation of alternative actuator manufacturing technologies Schüller, Martin* et al. 2017
6 Increase of functional density of hybrid structures by integration of micro and nano systems Schüller, Martin et al. 2017
7 Integrierte Geschäftsmodell- und Technologieentwicklung für smarte Systeme und Strukturen Götze, Uwe et al. 2017
8 Life Cycle Engineering and Management - Fostering the Management-orientation of Life Cycle Engineering Activities Götze, Uwe* et al. 2017
9 Realisierung von smarten Strukturen mit sensorischer Funktion durch Integration elektromagnetischer Resonatoren in hybride Materialien Großmann, Toni Dirk et al. 2017
10 An Economic Lightweight Concept for the evaluation of thermoplastic foams for aerodynamic lightweight structures Walther, Marco et al. 2016
11 Fluidic actuators in composite structures: design, manufacturing, and life cycle-related evaluation Schüller, Martin et al. 2015
12 Integration and Test of Synthetic Jet Actuators Schüller, Martin et al. 2015
13 Life cycle-oriented analysis and evaluation of Active Flow Control in wind turbines Götze, Uwe et al. 2015
14 Pulsed Jet Actuators and their integration in composite structures Lipowski, Mathias et al. 2015
15 Cluster of Excellence MERGE – Integration of Micro- and Nanosystems in Hybrid Structures Kroll, Lothar et al. 2014
16 Development and test of synthetic jet actuators based on dual transducer concept Schüller, Martin et al. 2014
17 Development of Micro-Valves for Pulsed Jet Actuators Lipowski, Mathias et al. 2014
18 Entwicklung eines intelligenten, textilen Halbzeugs Schaufuß, Jörg et al. 2014
19 High Voltage Amplifier ASIC for High Capacitive Load MEMS based Piezoelectric Actuators Köhler, Daniel et al. 2014
20 Integration concepts for fluidic actuators in hybrid structures Schüller, Martin et al. 2014
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Anzahl der Ergebnisseiten: 2
Anzahl der Dokumente: 25

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