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Nr. Titel Autor Jahr
1 Nitrogen-containing porous carbon materials by twin polymerization Schliebe, Christian et al. 2018
2 Polycrystalline silicon foils by flash lamp annealing of spray-coated silicon nanoparticle dispersions Büchter, Benjamin et al. 2015
3 Enhanced field emission from lanthanum hexaboride coated multiwalled carbon nanotubes: Correlation with physical properties Patra, Rajkumar et al. 2014
4 Synthesis and Luminescent Properties of Ultrasmall Colloidal CdS Nanoparticles Stabilized by Cd(II) Complexes with Ammonia and Mercaptoacetate Raevskaya, Alexandra E. et al. 2014
5 Thin films with high surface roughness: thickness and dielectric function analysis using spectroscopic ellipsometry Lehmann, Daniel* et al. 2014
6 Comparative Study of Infrared Sensors Based Graphene Oxide and Graphene Oxide/Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposites Al-Hamry, Ammar et al. 2013
7 Improving the mobility of CuPc OFETs by varying the preparation condition Korodi, Iulia G.* et al. 2013
8 Infrared Sensors Based Graphene Oxide and Graphene Oxide/Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposites Al-Hamry, Ammar et al. 2013
9 Raman characterization of electrically biased polymer quantum dot composites Mohandas, Prahlad M. et al. 2013
10 All-Metal Cantilevers for Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy Rodriguez, Raul D. et al. 2012
11 Ellipsometry and UPS-IPS Measurements on MnPc Layers on Silicon Haidu, Francisc et al. 2012
12 High Temperature Induced Traps in Tungsten/GaN Schottky Diodes Pleul, Michael et al. 2012
13 Interface properties of OFETs based on an air-stable n-channel perylene tetracarboxylic diimide semiconductor Lüttich, Franziska et al. 2012
14 Preparation of mesoscopic gold rings and split rings by selective wetting of the contact points between the spheres within colloidal crystals Kaufmann, Sabine et al. 2012
15 Structural and Electrical Characterization of 3D Gate Organic Field Effect Transistor Arekapudi, S S Phani Kanth et al. 2012
16 Temperature-dependent Raman investigation of rolled up InGaAs/GaAs microtubes Rodriguez, Raul D. et al. 2012
17 An approach for Cu ALD via reduction of ruthenium-containing CuxO films for the metallization in spintronic and ULSI interconnect systems Mueller, Steve et al. 2011
18 Characterisation of Organic Field-Effect Transistors using Zinc Tetraphenylporphyrin Monomers and Dimers as Active Layers Korodi, Iulia Genoveva et al. 2011
19 Local analysis on organic field effect transistors Graaf, Harald et al. 2011
20 Thermal ALD of Cu via reduction of CuxO films for the advanced metallization in spintronic and ULSI interconnect systems Mueller, Steve et al. 2011
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Anzahl der Ergebnisseiten: 2
Anzahl der Dokumente: 28

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