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Nr. Titel Autor Jahr
1 Comparison of model order reduction methods for optimal sensor placement for thermo-elastic models Benner, Peter et al. 2018
2 Balanced truncation model reduction for linear time-varying systems Lang, Norman* et al. 2016
3 Balanced truncation model reduction for linear time-varying systems Lang, Norman et al. 2015
4 Model Order Reduction for Thermo-Elastic Assembly Group Models Lang, Norman* et al. 2015
5 On the benefits of the LDLT factorization for large-scale differential matrix equation solvers Lang, Norman* et al. 2015
6 Towards Practical Implementations of Balanced Truncation for LTV Systems Lang, Norman* et al. 2015
7 Towards the identification of heat induction in chip removing processes via an optimal control approach Lang, Norman* et al. 2015
8 An LDLT factorization based ADI algorithm for solving large scale differential matrix equations Lang, Norman* et al. 2014
9 Modellordnungsreduktion für Systeme mit bewegten Lasttermen Benner, Peter et al. 2014
10 Modeling structural variability in reduced order models of machine tool assembly groups via parametric MOR Benner, Peter et al. 2013
11 Efficient Balancing based MOR for Second Order Systems Arising in Control of Machine Tools Benner, Peter et al. 2009
12 Efficient Numerical Solution of Large Scale Algebraic Matrix Equations in PDE Control and Model Order Reduction Saak, Jens 2009
13 Modale versus moderne Ordnungsreduktionsverfahren: Effiziente Simulation von Werkzeugmaschinen Bonin, Thomas et al. 2009
14 Novel Model Reduction Techniques for Control of Machine Tools Benner, Peter et al. 2009
15 Simulación numérica de circuitos eléctricos a gran escala Mena, Hermann et al. 2009
16 Application of LQR Techniques to the Adaptive Control of Quasilinear Parabolic PDEs Benner, Peter et al. 2008
17 On the Parameter Selection Problem in the Newton-ADI Iteration for Large-Scale Riccati Equations Benner, Peter et al. 2008
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Anzahl der Ergebnisseiten: 1
Anzahl der Dokumente: 17

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