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Nr. Titel Autor Jahr
1 3-D Potential Distribution Measurement in Electrosurgery by a Flexible Multielectrode System Knopf, Christoph et al. 2014
2 Comparative Study of Acquisition Methods for a Multi-Electrode Measuring System to Visualise the 3D Potential Distribution in Electrosurgery Knopf, Christoph et al. 2014
3 Imaging of 3D Potential Distribution Generated by Instruments for Bipolar Electrosurgery Knopf, Christoph et al. 2014
4 Methodik zur Analyse der elektrischen Feldverteilung und thermischer Vorgänge bei der bipolaren transurethralen Resektion Knopf, Christoph 2014
5 Power Loss Density Distribution in Biological Tissue to Analyse Processes in Electrosurgery Knopf, Christoph et al. 2014
6 Analyse der räumlichen Verlustleistungsdichteverteilung bei der bipolaren Elektrochirurgie Knopf, Christoph* et al. 2013
7 Analysis of the spatial power loss density distribution in bipolar electrosurgery Knopf, Christoph et al. 2013
8 Comparison of DAQ-methods to measure the potential distribution in electrosurgery Knopf, Christoph et al. 2013
9 Experimental visualisation of potential distribution in electrosurgery Knopf, Christoph et al. 2013
10 Imaging of 3D Potential Distribution Generated by Instruments for Bipolar Electrosurgery Knopf, Christoph et al. 2013
11 Impedance Model of Eccentric Coil-Target Arrangements in Eddy Current Techniques Weidenmüller, Jens et al. 2011
12 Diversification of the Eddy Current Technology Himmel, Jörg et al. 2010
13 Tissue Diagnostics Using Inductive Impedance Spectroscopy Heidary Dastjerdi, Maral et al. 2010
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Anzahl der Ergebnisseiten: 1
Anzahl der Dokumente: 13

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