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Ergebnis der Datenbankabfrage

Nr. Titel Autor Jahr
1 Chemnitz at CLEF IP 2012: Advancing Xtrieval or a baseline hard to crack Wilhelm, Thomas et al. 2012
2 Chemnitz at the CHiC Evaluation Lab 2012: Creating an Xtrieval Module for Semantic Enrichment Kürsten, Jens et al. 2012
3 A Tool for Comparative IR Evaluation on Component Level Wilhelm, Thomas et al. 2011
4 A Two-step Approach to Video Retrieval based on ASRtranscriptions Schmidt, Ken et al. 2011
5 Does Patent IR Profit from Linguistics or Maximum Query Length? Becks, Daniela et al. 2011
6 Vergleich von IR Systemkonfigurationen auf Komponentenebene Kürsten, Jens et al. 2011
7 CLEF 2008 Ad-Hoc Track: Comparing and Combining Diff erent IR Approaches Kürsten, Jens et al. 2009
8 The Xtrieval Framework at CLEF 2008: Domain-Specific Track Kürsten, Jens et al. 2009
9 CLEF 2008 Ad-Hoc Track: On-line Processing Experiments with Xtrieval Kürsten, Jens et al. 2008
10 Extensible Retrieval and Evaluation Framework: Xtrieval Kürsten, Jens et al. 2008
11 The Xtrieval Framework at CLEF 2007: Domain-Specific Track Kürsten, Jens et al. 2008
12 The Xtrieval Framework at CLEF 2008: Domain-Specific Track Kürsten, Jens et al. 2008
13 The Xtrieval Framework at CLEF 2008: ImageCLEF photographic retrieval task Wilhelm, Thomas et al. 2008
14 The Xtrieval Framework at CLEF 2008: ImageCLEF Wikipedia MM task Wilhelm, Thomas et al. 2008
15 Experiments for the ImageCLEF 2007 Photographic Retrieval Task Wilhelm, Thomas et al. 2007
16 ImageCLEF 2006 Experiments at the Chemnitz Technical University Wilhelm, Thomas et al. 2007
17 ImageCLEF 2006 Experiments at the Chemnitz Technical University Eibl, Maximilian et al. 2006
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Anzahl der Ergebnisseiten: 1
Anzahl der Dokumente: 17

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