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Nr. Titel Autor Jahr
1 Quasi-Static and Fatigue Properties of Thermoset Sandwiches with 3D Continuous Fibre Reinforced Polyurethane Foam Core Schäfer, Kay* et al. 2022
2 Textile Strukturoptimierung von 3D-endlosfaserverstärkten Polyurethan-Schaumstoffkernen für Sandwichverbunde Schäfer, Kay et al. 2022
3 Numerical simulation with experimental validation of the structural reaction injection moulding of 3D continuous fibre reinforced polyurethane foam Schäfer, Kay* et al. 2021
4 Numerical Studies of the Viscosity of Reacting Polyurethane Foam with Experimental Validation Schäfer, Kay* et al. 2020
5 Lightweight potential of 3D continuous fibre reinforcement of polyurethane foam cores with spacer fabrics in hybrid sandwich structures Schäfer, Kay et al. 2019
6 Lightweight Potential of 3D Endless Fiber Reinforcement of Polyurethane Foam Cores with Spacer Fabrics in Hybrid Sandwich Structures with Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Facings Schäfer, Kay* et al. 2019
7 Continuous, Free-Formable Sandwich Design with 3D Fiber Reinforced Core for Increased Lightweight Level of Applications in Large-Scale Production Schäfer, Kay* et al. 2018
8 Investigation of the specific adhesion between polyurethane foams and thermoplastics to suited material selection in lightweight structures Schäfer, Kay et al. 2018
9 Textile-based Surface Design of Thermoplastic Composites for Microstructural Adhesion to Polyurethane Foams for Lightweight Structures Schäfer, Kay* et al. 2018
10 Material Selection and Process Configuration for Free-Form,Voluminous and Textile-Based Multi-Material-Design by the Example of a Bucket Seat Stiller, Jonas* et al. 2017
11 Multi-material design for physiologically optimised lightweight car seat Ren, Song et al. 2017
12 Physiologically optimised lightweight car seat in Multi-Material Design Ren, Song et al. 2017
13 Simulation of RIM-process for Polyurethane Foam Expansion in Fiber Reinforced Sandwich Structures Tröltzsch, Jürgen* et al. 2017
14 Sitzkomfort neu gedacht - Multi-Material-Design für physiologisch optimierten Leichtbaufahrzeugsitz Nestler, Daisy et al. 2017
15 Strategy and numerical modelling of a vehicle seat with a lightweight sandwich design for large-scale production Ren, Song et al. 2017
16 Computational Analysis of Polyurethane Foam Expansion Process in Fiber Reinforced Sandwich Structures Tröltzsch, Jürgen* et al. 2016
17 Hybride, textilbasierte Sandwichstrukturen - Herstellung und Charakterisierung Schäfer, Kay et al. 2016
18 Hybrider textilverstärkter Multi-Material-Verbundwerkstoff und Verfahren zu seiner Herstellung Helbig, Frank et al. 2016
19 3D-Gewirke als Verstärkungsstruktur für elastische PUR-Schaumstoffe Schäfer, Kay et al. 2015
20 3D-Gewirke-Verstärkungen für neue Qualität von geschäumten Sandwichkernmaterialien Schäfer, Kay et al. 2015
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Anzahl der Ergebnisseiten: 2
Anzahl der Dokumente: 27

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