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Nr. Titel Autor Jahr
1 Naphthalimide-Based Fluorescent Polymers for Molecular Detection Oshchepkov, Aleksandr S.* et al. 2021
2 Anthracene‐Based Cyclophanes with Selective Fluorescent Responses for TTP and GTP: Insights into Recognition and Sensing Mechanisms Agafontsev, Aleksandr M. et al. 2019
3 Anthracene-Based Amido-Amine Cage Receptor for Anion Recognition under Neutral Aqueous Conditions Morozov, Boris S. et al. 2019
4 Conformational Selection in Anion Recognition: cGMP-Selective Binding by a Naphthalimide-Functionalized Amido-Amine Macrocycle Oshchepkov, Aleksandr S. et al. 2019
5 Cation Molecular Exchanger Based on a Conformational Hinge Ravi, Anil et al. 2018
6 Finding a receptor design for selective recognition of perrhenate and pertechnetate: hydrogen vs. halogen bonding Ravi, Anil et al. 2018
7 Hybrid Macrocycles for Selective Binding and Sensing of Fluoride in Aqueous Solution Oshchepkov, Aleksandr S. et al. 2018
8 Straightforward Design of Fluorescent Receptors for Sulfate: Study of Non‐Covalent Interactions Contributing to Host–Guest Formation Shumilova, Tatiana A. et al. 2018
9 Naphthalimide-based polyammonium chemosensors for anions: study of binding properties and sensing mechanisms Oshchepkov, Aleksandr S. et al. 2017
10 Selective recognition of oxalate in water: effect of pH on binding strength and sensing mechanisms Mittapalli, Ramana R. et al. 2017
11 Synthesis and structure of large 24-mer and 36-mer oxamate-based macrocycles Weheabby, Saddam et al. 2017
12 Calix[4]pyrroles bearing quinolinium moiety for halide sensing in aqueous solution Kataev, Evgeny A.* et al. 2016
13 Non-covalent interactions in the synthesis of macrocycles Kataev, Evgeny A.* 2016
14 Supramolecular catalysis by β-cyclodextrin for the synthesis of kojic acid derivatives in water Kataev, Evgeny A.* et al. 2016
15 Understanding Stacking Interactions between an Aromatic Ring and Nucleobases in Aqueous Solution: Experimental and Theoretical Study Kataev, Evgeny A.* et al. 2016
16 Utilizing a pH-Sensitive Dye in the Selective Fluorescent Recognition of Sulfate Agafontsev, Aleksandr M. et al. 2016
17 Guanidinium-Based Artificial Receptors for Binding Orthophosphate in Aqueous Solution Kataev, Evgeny A. et al. 2014
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Anzahl der Ergebnisseiten: 1
Anzahl der Dokumente: 17

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