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Nr. Titel Autor Jahr
1 A Blind Timing and Frequency Synchronization Method Based on the Correlation Characteristics of an OFDM Signal El Hajj Shehadeh, Youssef et al. 2015
2 A Modified Symbol Timing and Frequency Synchronization Method Based on Cyclic Prefix for OFDM Systems Baumgartner, Sebastian* et al. 2015
3 A Robust Blind Time Synchronization Method in OFDM Systems over Multipath Fading Channels El Hajj Shehadeh, Youssef et al. 2015
4 Basisbandalgorithmen zur Synchronisation und SNR-Schätzung in nicht referenzdatengestützten OFDM-Funkübertragungssystemen Baumgartner, Sebastian 2015
5 Low Complexity Intercarrier Interference Reduction for High Mobility Wireless Systems El Hajj Shehadeh, Youssef et al. 2015
6 Powerline Communication Baumgartner, Sebastian 2015
7 Robust CP-based Synchronization for DAB/DAB+ Systems over Dispersive Fading Channels Baumgartner, Sebastian et al. 2015
8 A Blind ML-SNR Estimation Method for OFDM Systems in Dispersive Fading Channels Baumgartner, Sebastian et al. 2014
9 A modified Maximum Likelihood Method for SNR Estimation in OFDM based systems Baumgartner, Sebastian et al. 2014
10 Blinde Synchronisationsverfahren in OFDM-basierten Funkübertragungssystemen unter Mehrwege-Fading-Kanälen basierend auf Maximum Likelihood Funktionen Baumgartner, Sebastian et al. 2014
11 Kompensation von Schmalbandstörern für SDR basierte DAB/DAB+ Empfänger Baumgartner, Sebastian et al. 2014
12 Narrowband Interference Estimation for OFDM Based on Power Spectral Density Functions Baumgartner, Sebastian et al. 2014
13 Performance Evaluation of Frequency and Symbol Timing Offset Estimation Methods for DAB/DAB+ Receivers under Multipath Fading Channels Baumgartner, Sebastian et al. 2014
14 Methods for simulation of the wireless propagation channel for DAB/DAB+/DMB-SDR-receivers Baumgartner, Sebastian et al. 2013
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Anzahl der Ergebnisseiten: 1
Anzahl der Dokumente: 14

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