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Nr. Titel Autor Jahr
1 Sealing Technologies for the Manufacturing of Bipolar Plates via Active and Passive Hydroforming Albert, André* et al. 2022
2 Media Based Forming and Injection Molding Based on Fiber Reinforced Plastic Tubes Albert, André* et al. 2019
3 High pressure forming and injection moulding in a single die: Hybrid lightweight design with metal- and fiber-reinforced plastic tubes Albert, Andre et al. 2018
4 Novel Process Chain for Hot Metal Gas Forming of Ferritic Stainless Steel 1.4509 Mosel, André* et al. 2018
5 Hydroforming with injection moulding based on fibre reinforced plastic tubes Drossel, Welf-Guntram et al. 2017
6 Process simulation and experimental validation of Hot Metall Gas Forming with new press hardening steels Paul, Alexander* et al. 2017
7 20 Jahre Innenhochdruck-Umformung am Fraunhofer IWU – innovative Verfahrensvarianten Albert, Andre et al. 2016
8 Aktives Werkzeug für Verbundbauteile Zorn, Wolfgang et al. 2016
9 Effiziente Fertigungsmethoden für hybride Metall-Kunststoff-Verbunde Landgrebe, Dirk et al. 2016
10 Verfahrensvarianten zur Herstellung hybrider Metall-Kunststoffbauteile in einem Hub Drossel, Welf-Guntram et al. 2016
11 Energy-efficiency for a hybrid process combining sheet metal forming and polymer injection moulding Landgrebe, Dirk et al. 2015
12 In-situ manufacturing of metal-plastic composite structures by process combination of hydroforming and injection molding Schieck, Frank et al. 2015
13 Lebensdauer-Evaluation hybrider Produkte und deren Fertigungsprozesse Drossel, Guntram-Welf et al. 2015
14 Life cycle engineering and evaluation of hybrid products and manufacturing processes Symmank, Christina et al. 2015
15 Neue konstruktive Möglichkeiten des Leichtbaus durch Hydroforming Werner, Markus* et al. 2015
16 Verfahrenskombination von Innenhochdruck-Umformung (IHU) und spritzgießen zur in-situ-Fertigung von Hybridbauteilen aus Metall und Kunststoff Albert, Andre* et al. 2015
17 Active media based forming for the in-situ manufacturing of metal and plastic composite structures Albert, Andre et al. 2014
18 Fertigung von Metall/Kunststoff-Verbundbauteilen Zorn, Wolfgang et al. 2014
19 Temperature-supported gas forming of stainless steel tubes Albert, Andre et al. 2014
20 Wirkmedienbasiertes Presshärten von Hohlprofilen Albert, André et al. 2011
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Anzahl der Ergebnisseiten: 1
Anzahl der Dokumente: 20

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