Vol. 5 No. 1 (2018): Unmanned Aerial Systems and Its Application

					View Vol. 5 No. 1 (2018): Unmanned Aerial Systems and Its Application

Call for submission. This editorial introduces the first issue of 2018 for Embedded Selforganising Systems (ESS) journal. The focus of this issue is a discussion about unmanned aerial systems (UAS) and its application in different areas of science and engineering solutions.

Our journal used electronic publication, which provides a flexible way to submit and review contributions of authors from all of the countries. The advantages of such an e-journal are multifarious. In comparison to traditional paper journals, we replace the classic review and creation process with a new Sliding Issue model. Each issue starts with an initial editorial and an official call for papers. The submitted articles will be reviewed and, if accepted, published as soon as the final version is received by the committee. Based on this process, each sliding issue can be filled successively until the maximum number of article is reached. During this period, all accepted papers can already be read by other researchers while other papers are still in the reviewing process. Accordingly, the time to publish shrinks to a minimum. In Addition, multiple issues with different focus can co-exist at the same time, which provides completely new possibilities to react on latest research topics. The journal allows also the integration of discussions and other reactions on published articles in the same journal issue.

Finally, we are looking for fresh ideas, on-going research technical reports and novel scientific works. We also intend to create a promising platform for creative and constructive discussions.

Published: 2018-01-23