Prospects for the use of Augmented Reality in Education


  • Насибахон Расулова Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi



Augmented Reality (AR) is an emerging form of experience in which the Real World (RW) is enhanced by computer-generated content tied to specific locations and/or activities. Over the last several years, AR applications have become portable and widely available on mobile de­vices. AR is becoming visible in our audio-visual media (e.g., news, entertainment, sports) and is beginning to enter other aspects of our lives (e.g., e-commerce, travel, marketing) in tangible and exciting ways. The aspects of the use of augmented reality technology in the system of higher education are considered. The findings reveal an increase in the number of AR studies during the last four years. The most reported advantage of AR is that it promotes enhanced learning achievement and also of interest to the younger generation Some noted challenges imposed by AR are usability issues and frequent technical problems. The advantages and limitations of using this technology are given. The prospects for the use of augmented reality technology in the educational environment are considered.



