Frames und Diagramme im Dialog

Indexikalische und ikonische Zeichenmodi im verbal-gestischen Ko-Konstruieren von Reiserouten




semantic frames, diagrams, cross modal, gestures, meaning constitution, indexicality, iconic signs, multimodal interaction, motion capture, mental spaces


This paper aims to show how semantic frames (Fillmore 1982) and diagrams (Peirce 1960) interact in the verbo-gestural co-construction of travelroutes in multimo­dal German dialogue data. Taking a cognitive-semiotic perspective (Mittelberg), we demonstrate how indexical and iconic signs jointly engender semiotic structure and meaning, in both an intramodal and intermodal (cross-modal) fashion. First, we focus on how linguistic and gestural means activitate frames through instantiating frame ele­ments, distinguishing between material or body-based frame elements and those that are less grounded in direct experience and pertain to more abstract knowledge struc­tures. We further present distinct semiotic profiles of three phases underpinning the dynamic process of dialogic travel planning: a predominantly indexical, an indexical-iconic, and a diagrammatic-iconic phase. Overall, indexicality again proves to be a fun­damental principle of multimodal interaction. Indexicality conditions and orchestrates not only the interlocutors’ bodily anchorage in integrated physical and mental spaces (Fauconnier, Sweetser, Turner), but also their (inter-)subjective dialogue behavior and the multimodal fabric of emerging diagrams.


