Kontroverse Begriffe verhandeln

Interaktive Bedeutungskonstitution durch Mental Spaces und Frames





interactive construction of meaning, controversial concepts, meaning construction, Interactional Linguistics, Cognitive Linguistics, methodological mentalism, frames, mental spaces


This paper examines the interactive process of meaning constitution of con­troversial concepts from the perspective of Interactional Linguistics and Cognitive Lin­guistics. Based on the fact that, despite the expanded methodological repertoire and scopus of research on talk-in-interaction, the interactive construction of linguistic meanings continues to play only a minor role, it is argued that Fauconnier’s theory of so-called “Mental Spaces” including frames (which structure Mental Spaces) allows to precisely describe both the online process of lexical meaning formation and its relevance to lan­guage use in interaction. Specifically, three procedures of implicit metalinguistic elabo­rations are explicated with reference to their underlying cognitive activities: conceptual integration, conceptual disintegration, conceptual elaboration. Following Deppermann’s (2007: 225) proposal of a “methodological mentalism”, the increased inclusion of cog­nitive-linguistic issues in Interactional Linguistics opens up a programmatic perspective for more comprehensive studies of word meanings in context.


