Towards Autonomous Driving Using Vision Based Intelligent Systems


  • Julkar Nine M.Sc.



Vision Based systems have become an integral part when it comes to autonomous driving. The autonomous industry has seen a made large progress in the perception of environment as a result of the improvements done towards vision based systems. As the industry moves up the ladder of automation, safety features are coming more and more into the focus. Different safety measurements have to be taken into consideration based on different driving situations. One of the major concerns of the highest level of autonomy is to obtain the ability of understanding both internal and external situations. Most of the research made on vision based systems are focused on image processing and artificial intelligence systems like machine learning and deep learning. Due to the current generation of technology being the generation of “Connected World”, there is no lack of data any more. As a result of the introduction of internet of things, most of these connected devices are able to share and transfer data. Vision based techniques are techniques that are hugely depended on these vision based data.


