The Human Innate Nature Based Medical Expert System for Self-diagnosis


  • Mikhail Gennadievich Grif
  • Yumchmaa Ayush



This article considers the some results of the diagnostic text in the medical expert system, which based on integration of the “european” and “eastern” medicines. One of the proposed work directions is the study of the patient's questionnaire informative value, where the questions of a prototype with binary answers "YES-NO" are performed as corpuscular diagnostic testing (?TD). Then, in determining the real disease (diseases), there arises an actual task of selecting the most preferred CDT at each step of the diagnostic processes. CDT is an indivisible diagnostic procedure, which estimates one or more indicators of the condition of the body. In addition, using by real determination of human inborn innate nature gives opportunity to understand internal causes of chronic diseases. Also, for selection more probabilistic diseases have been applied the Bayesian approach and the conditional entropy.


