Die kreative und interaktive Konstruierung mentaler Räume
Eine Fallstudie zum Phänomen des interaktiven Brainstorming
mental spaces, blending, creativity, joint action, dynamic conceptualization, Conceptual Blending Theory, product design, brainstormingAbstract
Cognitive approaches to linguistic creativity have focused primarily on the construction of hybrid or layered conceptualizations on the basis of a variety of cognitive processes, including analogical reasoning, conceptual blending and compression, frame-shifting, deautomatization and many others. In the majority of linguistic studies, the focus is on the creative end product of these mechanisms, rather than on choices and pathways that lead to that product. This can be explained by the fact that researchers generally do not have access to the online meaning construction processes that language users employ in producing creative output. In this paper, we shift the focus of attention from a product perspective to a producer-and process-centered view on creativity. More specifically, we inquire into the incremental steps that language users take in generating novel conceptualizations. In order to gain access to these online strategies of creativity, we make use of a corpus of video-recorded interactions, in which participants were instructed to jointly reflect on future applications for mobile phones. The interactive set-up triggers the verbalization of thought processes and the joint construction of creative conceptualizations. The resulting data provide a wealth of information on pathways, recruitment and composition in creative reasoning. Three types of interactive conceptualization strategies emerge from the analysis of the corpus data: (i) the elaboration of jointly construed blends, (ii) a dynamic conceptualization pattern in which the partners successively scan different (conceptually associated) input concepts, and (iii) an incremental build-up of a complex blended structure through joint addition of relevant new input.
Copyright (c) 2024 Geert Brône, Bert Oben, Paul Sambre, Kurt Feyaerts
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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