Binäre Diskurskonstruktionen als mentale Realitäts- und Möglichkeitskonstruktionen. Exemplifiziert am ‚Dramatischen Dialog‘ des 16. bis 18. Jh.*


  • Katharina Mucha



18th century drama, dramatic dialogue, discourse construction, discourse linguistics, conditional sentence, Mental Space Theory, Conceptual Blending Theory, cognitive linguistics, Construction Grammar


Summary. This contribution explains the notion of discourse constructions, and pre­sents aspects of the analysis of two binary discourse constructions, wer p, (der) q and wenn p, (dann/so) q. These binary constructions serve to define relations between ele­ments on the basis of the conditional schema but in different ways, namely as an objec­tive reality or as a possibility that needs to be evaluated, respectively. The conception of discourse constructions is related to Mental Space Theory, which considers know­ledge structures as representations that are being integrated, selected, composed, and elaborated within mental spaces during interactions. Depending on the space builder, different inferences are drawn that point to social practices either as quasi objective or as negotiable. The cognitive approach of constructional grammar is combined with the philosophical question of how the self and its realities become visible through social interaction. Evidence from a corpus of 16th to 18th century drama is presented that sup­ports the theoretical assumptions.


