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Eintrag in der Universitätsbibliographie der TU Chemnitz

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URN: urn:nbn:de:bsz:ch1-qucosa2-872106

Ben Ammar, Meriam
Kanoun, Olfa (Prof. Dr.); Besbes, Kamel (Prof. Dr.)

Design of a Self-Powered Energy Management Circuit for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting based on Synchronized Switching Technology

Kurzfassung in englisch

Vibration converters based on piezoelectric materials are currently becoming increasingly important for powering low-power wireless sensor nodes and wearable electronic devices. Piezoelectric materials generate variable electrical charges under mechanical stress, requiring an energy management interface to meet load requirements. Resonant interfaces like Parallel Synchronized Switch Harvesting on Inductor (P-SSHI) are highly efficient and robust to energy sources and loads variations. Nevertheless, SSHI circuits require synchronous switch control for efficient energy transfer. At irregular excitation, SSHI circuits may not perform optimally because the resonant frequency of the circuit is typically tuned to match the frequency of the energy source, which in the case of footsteps can be irregular and unpredictable. In addition, the circuit may also be susceptible to noise and interference from irregular excitations, which can further affect its performance. The aim is to design a self-powered energy management solution that can operate autonomously even at low frequencies and for irregular chock excitations, while at the same time allowing higher energy flow to the energy storage device and maintaining high levels of energy efficiency. To evaluate the performance of the proposed circuit, a piezoelectric shoe insole is designed and used for testing with different storage capacitance values and loads as a proof of the circuit?s adaptability to various loading conditions.

Universität: Technische Universität Chemnitz
Institut: Professur Mess- und Sensortechnik
Fakultät: Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
Dokumentart: Dissertation
Betreuer: Kanoun, Olfa (Prof. Dr.); Fakhfakh, Ahmed (Prof. Dr.)
ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-96100-197-2
DOI: doi:10.51382/978-3-96100-197-2
URL/URN: https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bsz:ch1-qucosa2-872106
Quelle: Chemnitz : Universitätsverlag Chemnitz, 2023. - 148 S. - Scientific Reports on Measurement and Sensor Technology ; Volume 23
SWD-Schlagwörter: Piezoelektrischer Wandler , Energiemanagement , Energieerzeugung
Freie Schlagwörter (Englisch): Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting , Energy Management , Self-Powered
DDC-Sachgruppe: Ingenieurwissenschaften
Sprache: deutsch
Tag der mündlichen Prüfung 06.09.2023
OA-Lizenz CC BY 4.0


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