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University Library
University Library


SciFindern is the further development of the database SciFinderweb and is offered by Chemical Abstract Service (CAS). Using a new graphical interface, the platform provides access to multiple databases. They provide information on bibliographic data of documents (including patents), chemical reactions, organic and inorganic compounds or sequences, chemical substances (incl. information on substancesfor sale) and biomedical data. The search can be done by keywords or by entering a chemical structure. In addition to advanced search options , SciFindern also offers the possibility to create retrosynthesis plans.


The University Library has licensed the database so that it can be used by all members of Chemnitz University of Technology. Before using SciFindern (or SciFinderweb) for the first time, you have to register as a user at CAS. Only one registration per person is possible. Please note that a registration is only possible with a valid TU Chemnitz email address. Other private email addresses are not accepted. Furthermore, you have to be inside the TU Chemnitz campus network or connected to the network via VPN.

Registration as User

If your TU Chemnitz email address changes (e.g. due to a change of faculty), please change your stored email address in your SciFinder user data before the old email address is deactivating (still only one TU Chemnitz email address per person).

Access inside the campus network
